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Customer Cases


纵梁连接件 Stringer Bean Connections

  • 材料:A356 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度,高延伸率
  • 性能:抗拉强度320MPa,屈服240MPa,延伸率10%
  • 应用领域:汽车
  • Material: A356
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength and high expansion rate
  • Properties:Tensile 320MPa,Offset Strength 240MPa,Expansion Rate 10%
  • Application area: vehicle


高铁供电线架组件 Power supply assembly for high-speed train

  • 材料:A356 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度、耐疲劳
  • 性能:抗拉强度320MPa,屈服240MPa,延伸率10%
  • 应用领域:高铁
  • Material: A356
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength and anti-fatigue
  • Properties:Tensile 320MPa,Offset Strength 240MPa,Expansion Rate 10%
  • Application area: High-speed railway


制动总泵 Brake master cylinder

  • 材料:A354 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度,高气密性
  • 性能:抗拉强度350MPa,屈服230MPa,延伸率6%
  • 应用领域:汽车
  • Material: A354
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength and high airtightness
  • Properties:Tensile 350MPa,Offset Strength 230MPa,Expansion Rate 6%
  • Application area: vehicle


W型支架 W bracket

  • 材料:A356 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度、耐疲劳
  • 性能:抗拉强度320MPa,屈服240MPa,延伸率10%
  • 应用领域:高铁
  • Material: A356
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength and anti-fatigue
  • Properties:Tensile 320MPa,Offset Strength 240MPa,Expansion Rate 10%
  • Application area: High-speed railway


旋叶式压缩机 Rotary vane compressor

  • 材料:A390 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高硬度,高耐磨性
  • 性能:抗拉强度320MPa,屈服250MPa,延伸率6%
  • 应用领域:汽车
  • Material: A390
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high hardness and wear resistance
  • Properties:Tensile 320MPa,Offset Strength 250MPa,Expansion Rate 6%
  • Application area: vehicle


轮椅车架 Wheelchair frame

  • 材料:A356 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度、高延伸率
  • 性能:抗拉强度320MPa,屈服240MPa,延伸率10%
  • 应用领域:医疗器械
  • Material: A356
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength and high expansion
  • Properties:Tensile 320MPa,Offset Strength 230MPa,Expansion Rate 10%
  • Application area: medical instrument


座椅支撑 Seat support

  • 材料:1070 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:表面阳极氧化
  • 应用领域:医疗器械
  • Material: 1070
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: surface anodic oxidation
  • Application area: medical instruments


通讯基站组件 Communication base station component

  • 材料:A354 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度
  • 性能:抗拉强度350MPa,屈服230MPa,延伸率6%
  • 应用领域:通讯
  • Material: A354
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength
  • Properties:Tensile 350MPa,Offset Strength 230MPa,Expansion Rate 6%
  • Application area: Communication


摩托车联板 Link Plate of Motorcycle

  • 材料:A356 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度 耐疲劳
  • 性能:抗拉强度320MPa,屈服240MPa,延伸率10%
  • 应用领域:摩托车
  • Material: A356
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: high strength and anti-fatigue
  • Properties:Tensile 320MPa,Offset Strength 240MPa,Expansion Rate 10%
  • Application area: motorcycle


空调压缩机中缸 Air-conditioning compressor cylinder

  • 材料:ADC12 热处理:NO
  • 特殊要求:中等强度、高气密性
  • 性能:抗拉强度280MPa,
  • 延伸率5%
  • 应用领域:汽车
  • Material: ADC12
  • Processing: NO
  • Special feature: proper strength and high airtightness
  • Properties:Tensile 280 MPa, Expansion Rate 5%
  • Application area: Automotive Industries


马达支架 Motor supporter

  • 材料:6061 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:表面阳极氧化
  • 性能:抗拉强度280MPa,屈服240MPa,延伸率10%
  • 应用领域:摩托车
  • Material: 6061
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: surface anodic oxidation
  • Properties:Tensile 280MPa,Offset Strength 240MPa,Expansion Rate 10%
  • Application area: motorcycle


机场灯罩盖 Runway light cover at airport

  • 材料:A354 热处理:T6
  • 特殊要求:高强度、耐冲击
  • 性能:抗拉强度350MPa,屈服230MPa,延伸率6%
  • 应用领域:航空
  • Material: A354
  • Processing: T6
  • Special feature: High strength and high impact endurance
  • Properties:Tensile 350MPa,Offset Strength 230MPa,Expansion Rate 6%
  • Application area: Aerospace